Divide A Cell Into Two Rows Excel

By Stanley Zarowin

Nov 29, 2013 With Excel, you can split one cell into multiple rows or a comma delimited cell into multiple rows. This tutorial explains how. If your job requires you to manipulate or organize large amounts of data, you probably spend lots of time working with Microsoft Excel for a variety of purposes. Excel is the gold-standard spreadsheet.

You can use split with Chr(10) or VbLf. Dim cellvalue As Variant Dim counter As Integer 'Row counter counter = 1 'Looping trough A column define max value For i = 1 To 10 'Take cell at the time cellvalue = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1).Value 'Split cell contents Dim WrdArray As String WrdArray = Split(cellvalue, vbLf) 'Place values to the B column For Each Item In WrdArray. Let’s say you want a cell to contain two words, High and Low, separated by a slash. Begin by putting your cursor in the target cell and click on Format, Cells and Border and then select the diagonal box in which the slash mark rises from the lower left to the upper right (see screenshot below). Type your two words into the cell—High and Low.

Split A Cell Into Two Rows In Excel 2016

To split a cell in Excel, add a new column, change the column widths and merge cells. To split the contents of a cell into multiple cells, use the Text to Columns wizard, flash fill or formulas. How to Split Multiple Lines from a Cell into Rows. Excel Details: If you have multiple lines in a cell and each line is separated by line break character or press “alt + enter” key while you entering the text string into cells, and you need to extract the multiple lines into the separated rows or columns, you can use a combination with the TRIM function, the MID function, the SUBSTITUTE.

Q. I’ve seen spreadsheets that contained a cell with a slash mark (/) dividing it so it could contain two different pieces of information—for example, a number on one side of the slash and another number or a word on the other side. How can I do that?

A. Oddly enough, it’s done with the Format command as a display function; and for that reason it’s not the kind of data Excel can calculate. Let’s say you want a cell to contain two words, High and Low, separated by a slash. Begin by putting your cursor in the target cell and click on Format, Cells and Border and then select the diagonal box in which the slash mark rises from the lower left to the upper right (see screenshot below).

Type your two words into the cell—High and Low. The words also will appear on top of your screen in the Formula box (see screenshot below).

Once the words and the diagonal are in the cell, you have to adjust the position of the words: move High up and Low down. To do that, highlight the word you want at the top of the cell— High —and click on Format, Cells and then on the Font tab. Now, under Effects, click on Superscript; notice when you click on it, the letters in the adjacent Preview box move up. Click on OK.


Split A Cell Into Two Rows In Excel 2013

Do the same with the word Low. Only this time, when you get to Effects, click on Subscript and the Preview letters will move down. You’ll probably have to tinker a bit with the position of the words in the Formula box to get them to line up properly.